The world is ready for you. Are you READY FOR IMPACT?

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What’s in it for you? How can this personal development program help you on your impact journey?

  • Do you work in social impact but your loved ones are suffering because you have workaholic tendencies?

  • Are you protecting the environment but feel constantly restless because the world is on fire?

  • Are you motivated to do great impact work but catch yourself procrastinating too often?

Here is help for you – you don’t have to do this alone.

Let’s hear from our alumnus Matthew:

"This program brings a truly unexpected level of self-awareness - of mindfulness - into your life, meaning that everything you do can come from a wiser place.

It's fabulous to work with a 'pod' of others sharing the same journey around growth and impact. This program succeeds in bringing the 'two worlds' together - of inner and outer change."

Matthew Mazey, Community Relationship Manager, The Health Foundation

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No athlete would attempt to climb a mountain without physical training.

Why would you try to solve the world’s challenges without mental and emotional fitness?

We help you stay positive, resilient and connected while you are working on the world’s pressing issues.


How does the program help? Let’s hear what former cohort members have to say about it! Here’s Joao:


+ Is this you?

  • You are a changemaker. You are contributing in your way to a thriving society and a regenerated planet. You are well aware that it is a challenge to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • You realise that negative mental and emotional states such as lack of clarity, anxiety, frustration with yourself or others, facing criticism from “haters”, or unhappiness about the circumstances you are in can sabotage your ability to handle work and relationship challenges. You commit to bring your best self to your impact work, especially since the stakes are high
  • Perhaps you are already an impact star, but want to polish the gem that you are for the benefit of reaching your more ambitious impact goals and improving your leadership for your teams
  • Perhaps you have already started to do impact projects as a side hustle, maybe also worked on your personal growth. But for some reason, you are still hesitating to leave the safety of your nest and commit to a career in impact. You don’t quite know what is holding you back and how to get unstuck
  • And perhaps you have your own type of challenge to overcome for maximum impact that I haven’t mentioned here.

Wonderful! You are READY FOR IMPACT.

+ What’s in it for you?

  • During a taxing time in world history, this program helps you re-launch with positivity and progress, embedded in a wonderful community.
  • During these seven weeks, you can focus your energy on overcoming a current challenge on your impact journey. One that would unlock greater impact results. You are guided by me and supported by your peers!
  • In the process, you train your brain how to regenerate yourself and ensure you are personally sustainable, effective and thriving for the decade of impact and beyond.
  • You are a precious changemaker, a real resource that is needed for society and the planet. Let's make sure you are thriving, not merely surviving. Let's connect you with like-minded peers who share your mission as you move into laser-focused action. We simply want you to be the best changemaker you can be.
  • Whether you're suffering from eco-anxiety or whether you are well ahead on your impact journey and looking to boost your adaptability, positivity and “can do” attitude and connect with great peers - you are in the right place.

You don’t have to do this alone.

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Let’s hear what Reto thought about the READY FOR IMPACT program:


In partnership with Shirzad Chamine, Stanford lecturer and author of the New York Times bestselling book, Positive Intelligence, READY FOR IMPACT will increase your emotional and mental fitness, weaken the saboteur voices that hold you back, calm the chaos in your brain and help you create maximum positive impact.

+ Benefits

  • Group coaching: Grow together in a group of 5 like-minded changemakers
  • Curated information: Get the tailored, research-based inputs you need via book extracts and weekly videos
  • Daily exercises: Build your mental and emotional resilience through daily app-based exercises
  • Peer exchange: Share your learnings as often as you want.
  • Possible bonus: Who knows? You may want to collaborate on great initiatives in the future… In the first cohort, a wonderful new project was born during one of the weekly calls…!

What does Luciano have to say about the program?



Click on the question to expand the answer:

+ What is included in the program?

  • Weekly video content on the principles of Positive Intelligence
  • Weekly small group coaching
  • Peer-to-peer exchange via group chat
  • Daily exercises to increase your mental and emotional resilience

Please note:

  • Fully customised, 1:1 personal development sessions can be added at a premium
  • Sustainability education is not the focus of this program

+ What results can you expect?

  • Shirzad Chamine’s research found out that 80% of people score below the minimum level of mental and emotional fitness required for peak performance and for their personal happiness
  • The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental and emotional fitness significantly within 7 weeks of practice
  • The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity, better relationships and a calm, clear and happier mind

Who leads this program?


Hi, I’m Britta, the woman in the front

Yes, I smile when I’m surrounded by amazing changemakers!

I knew that I could turn my own quest for greater impact, resilience and wisdom into a gift for other changemakers: To make sure no one has to figure it out all by themselves.


+ How did your impact journey start?

We all are standing on the shoulders of giants. Having said that, I am a self-made woman. I started from humble beginnings. My story goes like this... Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to make the world a better place. When I was in kindergarden, having impact meant for me to make the largest number of people happy - and so I launched a career as a clown on my 7th birthday. Little did I know that 14 years of clowning would follow and I would earn a treasure trove of insights into happiness, people, mindset and group dynamics with my red nose…

+ Where did your impact quest lead you?

It led me to European Embassies, international academic conferences, foundation board meetings at the heart of the financial world and meals with farmers in the Indian desert. I created once-in-a-lifetime events with billionaires to discuss the meaning of success with inheritors from other leading families…

+ What do you do now?

I'm the Founder and Managing Director of Gruenig & Partners. Our mission is to help future owners, private investors and business leaders develop into conscious leaders. We’re offering tailored programs globally:

  • Family conversations and retreats
  • Personal development and transformation
  • Leadership effectiveness assessments
  • Impact workshops

We are passionate about supporting the next generation of owning families, individual impact investors and leaders to reach the next stage in their personal and collective development and act from a higher level of consciousness.

Meet Our amazing Alumni!

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January 11-February 22, 2021

How exciting! Cohort 1 is a wonderful group of Bravehearts! We are spanning 8 timezones, from Sao Paulo to Islamabad. We are gender balanced with three women and three men. Ages range from experienced professionals with great impact track records to a 13 years old leader. We have so much to learn from each other’s perspectives!

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March 1-April 12, 2021

Wonderful! Cohort 2 is a uniquely inspiring blend of agents of positive change from five countries, the timezones spanning from Washington DC to Central Europe! We are again proud to be gender balanced and from diverse walks of life. Ready for metamorphosis!

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April 26-June 7, 2021

We have started! Cohort 3 is ready to grow together… Such a joy to bring together three women and three men from three continents, timezones ranging from Austin, Texas to Karachi, Pakistan. The diversity of backgrounds range from an individual providing employment opportunities in a developing country to two co-founders of a venture studio with the aim to use the full climate potential of forests. I’m excited about fruitful conversations and thrilled to work with this group!

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June 14-July 26, 2021

Cohort 4 is complete… It’s incredible to work with humans born, raised and living on three continents, timezones ranging from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Lahore, Pakistan. The diversity of backgrounds and outlooks is substantial, and we are united in that everyone wants to work on resolving blocks within themselves to become an even better changemaker and make progress on their impact journey. Let’s go!



Join cohort 5

At CHF 999.- it is great value for one of the five spots in the 7 week program. Looking forward to having you!

(…psst… right now it only costs you the equivalent of one pizza in the center of Zurich for each day of the program)

To get notified for A Future run, write us here: