We empower changemakers on their inner and outer journey to positive impact.


Britta Gruenig

Founder, Managing Director, Professional Certified Coach

Her family knew hardship, but was inspiration-abundant and inner-resource-wealthy. She had role models that showed her what life was about. Gratitude, service, joy, creativity, and doing the very best one could do, each day!

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Ever since she was a little girl, she wanted to make the world a better place. As a child, she advocated for animal rights through her art, which appeared in local papers. Outside of school, she performed for 14 years as a circus clown. She brought joy to many, while learning much from her audiences.

The little girl loved learning. She was the top-ranked graduate of her year in high school. She later received a scholarship for her Masters at the London School of Economics. She also studied at Parsons The New School in NYC, the University of St. Gallen HSG in Switzerland, and Singapore Management University.

Her quest for positive impact guided her steps. She worked at European Embassies and in the Indian desert. She discussed the meaning of wealth with hundreds of affluent families. She lead impact investing sessions for the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at the University of Zurich and Harvard Kennedy School, and for Katapult Foundation in Oslo, and continues to lead their Personal Development Programs for family office successors.

Today, as a Professional Certified Coach, she is the Managing Director of her own company which helps family office next gens, private investors and business leaders to increase their positive impact through personal development.

Improbable for a little girl like her? Yes.

Impossible? No.

Is she on the path that is true to the positive impact she can generate? Absolutely!

Her personal mission is to help the changemakers of today be as impactful as the planet and all beings need them to be. Her vision is to restore a world that doesn't need saving. Would you like to be a part of it?


Click on the FAQ below to expand the answer:

+ Why did you become a coach?

My quest for positive impact led me to other pastures first. But one day, I had tea with a good friend from the impact space … a moment that changed everything when he suggested I should be a coach. I dismissed it. I didn’t even know what coaching was. Exactly one year later, he sat me down for a longer conversation and asked me why I had wasted a year without following my calling. Now, I took it seriously. After that, I went to a quiet lake, sat down and reflected. I realized I’d successfully climbed the ladder only to understand that I was on top of the wrong building. My friend’s advice to become a coach wasn’t so far-fetched. My mother is a developmental psychologist, so I was immersed in the methods right from the cradle. I Googled “coaching,” and the rest is history… I took it very seriously, invested years of my life into professional training and certification, my own personal transformation, with the goal of becoming the most valuable coach I could be for my clients in service of my mission.

+ Which motto guides your work?

“Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not our darkness, but our light that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world.” This quote by Marianne Williamson guides my work. My purpose is to facilitate inner transformation at this point in history during which the changemakers of this world take action towards a monumental shift for all living beings and the planet. Yes to Life!

+ How can I verify your credentials?

View my verified achievements on Acclaim. Acclaim helps you make better decisions based on trusted information about what people know and can do. https://www.youracclaim.com/users/britta-gruenig-castelli

+ What is the International Coaching Federation?

Since awarding the first-ever ICF Credentials in 1998, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) has been committed to acknowledging the professional achievements of coach practitioners and to supporting their success by offering the only globally recognized, validated credentials in the industry.

+ What distinguishes a Co-Active Coach?

“The Co-Active Training Institute offers a gold standard of coach training, and the Co-Active model behind it is remarkably congruent with a vast body of research in positive psychology and coaching.” Dr. Carol Kauffman, Founder and Director of the Institute of Coaching and faculty of Harvard Medical School for over 25 years